Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (2024)


462 reviews4,092 followers

September 7, 2023


I was gripped at the start but my attention slowly waned icl.

The start of the book was BAM BAM BAM like sh*t I was INVESTED. But then her snarky and calculated personality turned flighty and then she kinda lost her spark. Everything that happened with the fmc taking revenge was so anticlimactic I’m sorry.

The mmc was hot. I loved him throughout but I still felt like the ending was rushed and the author kinda took the easy way out?

The meet cute was MWAH chefs kiss. Literally ate that sh*t up and licked my fingers after bc yum.

I would recommend this to get out of a slump bc it’s fast paced and exciting at times <3

side note:
The spice was spicin too ngl.

    crank-the-ac-im-melting cute-cuter-cutest dramarama

Ꮗ€♫◗☿ ❤️ ❤️

2,302 reviews2,234 followers

September 19, 2022

Great story!

Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (3)

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌏
Character development: 😚🙂😁😍🥰

The heroine:

Steph (a.k.a. Emma Stephens) - she hunts bad men who are ignored by the law and exacts retribution against them. We first see her reeling in a man named Daniel who likes to beat and strangle prostitutes. She drugs him with rohypnol and ties him up to get her retribution. Though in reality she is looking for information and trying to find someone from her past.

The Hero:

Hunter - he meets Steph at her local bar, across the street from her apartment. He tells her he just got to town, and has come to help his sister who was left after just having a baby, by an abusive boyfriend. Though in reality we see that he is there for Steph and he does what he can to get more involved in her life.

The Story: Steph walks away from Hunter after she sees he is carrying a gun. She is paranoid when she sees him at her gym a few days later. Though it is true he was there before she got there and the gym isn’t even close to her neighborhood. Steph is interested in Hunter though she doesn’t like the fact that he has turned up again.

The book is told in dual points of view via dual narration. It was narrated by Maxine Mitchell and Joe Arden who both do a great job. Maxine has a feminine voice which sounds perfect for Steph. She is very good at sounding nervous at times and strong at times and she is very good at having different voices for male and female characters. Joe Arden has a great deep and gravelly voice which I really like.

There is a ton of sexual chemistry and tension in this book. It is unclear exactly what hunter is really doing, but it is clear that he has a ton of interest in Steph and not just in what she has been doing with her free time. Hunter is working for a guy named Torian, but he doesn’t seem to like Torian or the way he does business. I liked the mystery of what Steph is looking for and what Hunter is doing.


    action-adventure alphas angst


256 reviews247 followers

April 25, 2024

Yeah no it’s still a DNF for me, I couldn’t get past one chapter lol


Okay so hear me out, YES, I did DNF this book a couple days back but then I saw this today on my Tiktok feed

Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (5)

And y’all this is my guilty pleasure okay. I CANT SAY NO TO THIS




“There’s something about him that demands attention. Something dark, like I’m used to, and also something promising, which is entirely new to me. I suddenly feel like I want to climb his broad chest and ride his face for hours. Not a good idea.”


“I want everything.” His voice is low—pure sex and seduction. My puss* twists in knots. There’s no denying the inevitable. I’m going to succumb. This zing is too vibrant to ignore. I can already taste him on my tongue. The alcohol. The sweat. I sigh, resigned to my fate. “Then, no, I guess it’s no problem at all.”


“She thinks the game is over. That the hook-up failed, and we’ve gone our separate ways. In reality, our time together has just begun. The two of us are going to get to know one another, whether she likes it or not. And that’s not my fault. It’s all on her—her decisions, her actions. Her damn sassy mouth.”


“She happened. Long hair, slim legs, sassy blue eyes, and ruby lips I want stretched around my dick. And they are only the physical attributes. I know once I delve into that mind of hers, the f*cked-up sh*t I find will be even more impressive.”

Another case of main characters thinking from their private parts only. bye.


3,178 reviews924 followers

October 6, 2022

Hunter takes my patience to finish. Miss Summers surely knows how to make her readers in suspense over the past life of the heroine, Sara. To be honest I almost bolt because I was annoyed with the waiting. What makes me soldier it through is somewhere between the suspense, Miss Summers fills her story with the growing attraction between Sara and Luke.

These two are unique and yet they fit so perfectly to each other. Their banter is bit difficult to follow. But it is still entertaining. The smut scenes are not entirely descriptive. Enough for me to understand and feel the attraction. Enough to fill out the hanging suspense.
I certainly will looking forward to the next book.

4 stars


1,813 reviews613 followers

March 11, 2018

“I hope you like it rough.”
“And what if I don’t?”
“Then I'll enjoy changing your mind.”

Oh, how I’ve missed Eden Summers’ writing! I didn’t know just how much until I started reading this book! With a kick ass heroine and a determined as hell hero, HUNTER sucked me in from the very start, leaving me breathless on many occasions. It’s a little mysterious. It’s A LOT sexy, and it’s exciting and suspenseful. A woman’s thirst for vengeance consumes everything until a gorgeous stranger with secrets in his eyes forces her mind on other things. The intense chemistry between the two main characters is volatile, explosive, and scorching HOT! Each word was kindling to an already blazing fire amongst their romance. I LOVED IT! I loved how it kept my blood pumping and my heart racing. I was invested almost immediately and I knew there was no going back once I began this journey. If you are a romantic suspense fan who loves blazing hot chemistry, an intense, passionate connection, along with mystery and intrigue…HUNTER should shoot right up to the top of your TBR!

Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (8)

Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (9)

    arc-review author-eden-summers erotic

✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰Janeane ✰

2,862 reviews12 followers

February 7, 2018

ARC received for an honest review

Wow. Just wow!

Hunter is amazing! Smart, sexy, suspenseful - I was hooked right from the get go.

When the Hunter becomes the hunted, who knows where things will end up. Secrets, lies, betrayal and revenge play a big part in Hunter and Emma's lives, and as a reader you are taken along on one heck of a journey, never knowing who you can trust.

This is a big step away from what we have had from Ms Summers in the past - and what a great step it is!

I hope she takes us down this road more in the future.

Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (12)
Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (13)
Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (14) Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (15) Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (16) Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (17)


J. C. Red

109 reviews44 followers

March 21, 2018

This is one of those books that I enjoyed even though I thought there was a long that didn’t work.

I liked the heroine (mostly…) because she was tough and stood her ground. I liked the hero because he was all in with the heroine and seemed like a mostly good guy. Well, a good guy for his line of work. And only in books.

Buuuuut…I thought the plot didn’t make much sense and needed a lot more work to start making sense. She wanted to avenge the death of her parents, but the reason why they were killed was so freaking strange and weak. Basically, all that we were told is that her boyfriend killed her entire family, her parents, sister, and brother because she wanted to break up with him and she didn’t answer when he called 10 times in one night, so he just went and killed her whole family, including kids? Really?? You would’ve thought he’d at least try to get to her first before jumping into this OTT killing spree. I needed to know a lot more about the killer to believe he’d do something so drastic. It’s just waaaay too far-fetched for something that isn’t expanded upon AT ALL. And was there any investigation? Why did he just disappear without doing anything to her as well? Why was he so hard to find after all these years? What did he do for the mob? Because at one point it sounded like he was pretty small time, but then he’s actually very rich and successful, so I was very confused.

Also, how the hell was the senators’ son the only lead she had to find this man and after 10 years of looking for him? Frankly, I’ve got a million questions about the plot and I left like most of it made no logical sense and I just needed more backstory on everything.

Oh and the hero: I mean the book is named after him and there is almost no character development, you only find out a few basics.

But if you can overlook all that it’s a pretty entertaining and quick read.

Kayleigh (Meadow's Version)

112 reviews

May 15, 2023

I spent two months reading this...dnf


180 reviews12 followers

May 28, 2023

Важко мені далася ця книга. Хотілося закинути її і не дочитувати. Історія кохання тут дуже посередня, оцей шалений потяг з першої ж зустрічі і постійна гіперболізація того, що вони відчувають один до одного трохи дратували. Герої всього 2 рази поговорили 1 раз переспали, а гг вже хоче, щоб він залишився в її житті назавжди🤦, таке щось. І хімії між ними я не побачила, взагалі не зрозуміло, коли вони встигли закохатися.

Стеф часом поводилася як ідіотка, Хантер зовсім мене не вразив, ніби й не зовсім мудак, але й не хороший хлопець, щось посередині. До того ж, про нього в книзі взагалі немає ніякої інформації, крім того чим він займається.

Кілька слів про те, що сподобалося:
🔸Історія минулого Стеф. Це довело мене до сліз, було дуже шкода героїню;
🔸Кульмінаційний момент в кінці книги. Це було несподівано, мене тоді дуже здивував Торіан. От про нього я б прочитала книгу, дуже неоднозначний персонаж.

2/5 тільки тому, що я читала набагато гірші книги ніж ця.


222 reviews33 followers

August 7, 2020

4.5 stars!!!!

I really enjoyed this first installment of the Hunt Her series by Eden Summers. She is a new-to-me author and I just ate up her writing style and story. I loved Hunter and Steph’s dynamic. Lots of heartbreak in her past, which she tries to deal with in the most “badass” way possible. To her, this means relying solely on herself, avoiding friendships and connections, even with family.

And make no mistake, Steph absolutely is a badass. But she’s hurt and broken, too, and as much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she begins to understand that no (wo)man is an island. The tragedy that shook her to her very essence isn’t something she’s come to terms with in a healthy way. An understandable way, sure. But healthy? Absolutely not.

Enter Hunter, the dark, mysterious stranger she meets at a bar and feels instant chemistry with. He’s come to town to support his sister, who has had a baby with an abusive man. He’s protective, possessive, and kind in his own way. He reciprocates Steph’s feelings - maybe even more.

Of course, there’s more to both of these two than meets the eye, and a satisfyingly twisty tale unfolds. There is definitely insta-love, which I don’t mind at all, and lots of raciness.

My only minor hang-up is that I would have liked to learn more about Hunter’s background. We’re really not told anything about him as an individual before he showed up in that bar. He’s definitely an intriguing character and I hope to eventually learn more about him.

Definitely recommend this one for people who enjoy romance with a hint of darkness.

    bad-bad-man book-boyfriends crime


501 reviews42 followers

September 9, 2021

DNF @ 73%

One star for getting my hopes up and then disappointing me so bad.

I only have two real criteria's for my books: the smut needs to be hot, and the plot needs to plot. MEANING, the chemistry needs to be sizzlin' and the plot has to make sense. No bullsh*t fillers or running around in circles.

And I rly thought this book was gonna be a 10/10 perfect read in the beginning??

I mean:

“I hope you like it rough.”
I shudder. “And what if I don’t?”
His gaze glides to mine as a lone finger parts my slick folds. “Then I’ll enjoy changing your mind.”

*screams* bc that's so hot

Their first interaction was meeting in a bar and then deciding to have a one night stand. But our heroine ends up kicking him out after she accidentally discovers he's carrying a gun. And he's all like ok I'll leave but this isn't over between us and like I just died because their chemistry was too much.

Fast forward half the book when I slowly realized that their chemistry isn't even that hot and the plot??? Laughable. We literally read about a problem for 6 chapters only for it to be solved with what's pretty much a don't worry about it babe, I told him I'll vouch for you so he won't come after you anymore. Like okay??? So why didn't you do that six chapters ago? Lmfao.

So anyways one star is the verdict.



422 reviews

February 13, 2018

O.M.G. This book was so good! I almost have no words. That’s how much I enjoyed it. Without giving too much away, Hunter was the best of romantic suspense I’ve read in a while. It was completely unpredictable. I seriously thought I had things figured out about ten times before I ever got to the end and I was still wrong. That for me is unusual and an absolute delight to find.

I loved not only the plot of this story but the characters as well. I wish I could have seen more from Hunter’spoint of view more but the glimpses were just enough of a tease as to what he was not only thinking and feeling but also to what was happening on his end of the story. I’m definitely still intrigued by not only Hunter himself, but also Decker and Torian. I would love to see books with them involved too. Maybe their own? I’m also curious about where Hunter and Sarah go from the ending.

I’m definitely recommending this book to anyone who wants to read a really good romantic suspense story. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.


1,473 reviews12 followers

February 10, 2018

I could try and write a review for this book that just hits appropriate soundbites and key phrases to sanitise this review and make it sound more ... polished. I could, but I won't.

This book is raw, real, deeply intense and emotional. Not hearts and flowers, this is nevertheless, at its heart, a beautiful love story. And I just ate it all up.

Loved it.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.


50k reviews21 followers

Want to read

April 3, 2020

🎁 FREE on Amazon today (4/3/2020)! 🎁

💝 ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.💝

    arc freebie


826 reviews479 followers

March 5, 2022

Blurb And Cover

Let me preface by saying that I don’t think the blurb and book are a match… it’s spun from an angle that’s not really there because he never lessens her need for vengeance and she never catches that he has an agenda until he makes a move that forces his hand to either directly lie or tell her the scoop. Anyway, it’s not a blurb that I think paints an accurate picture of this book.

The cover, however, is 🥰 🔥

Moving on…


He’s a contractor for the mob. She’s scorned, angry, lonely, and singularly focused on vengeance. They find themselves looking for answers to two different questions from the same source. Again, I wouldn’t call this “cat and mouse” so much as both must keep their truths and agendas close to their vests. Sexual attraction leads, questions follow, and feelings threaten to turn both their agendas on their heads. Lust and feelings converge, but trust will be the yield sign that steers whether they’ll both get what they want.



I glance at him, and he’s right there staring back at me, strumming my puss* with his caged emotions.

Apparently, the mix of adrenaline and whiskey has made me reckless. I’m a panty slip away from taking this guy home. This devilishly sexy man with his shadowy intrigue and penetrating eyes. My heart palpitates. My sternum itches. I want to drag him to my apartment by his dick. I would strip him. Devour him.

“Oh, goodie.” I release a derisive chuckle. “Is this where I’m supposed to swoon?”

Let’s just call the FMC a bit sexually aggressive. It was refreshing to see a female character completely at ease with her body and desires.

She’s strong. A fighter. But, she’s also intelligent about her strengths and weaknesses. Again, refreshing to see an FMC that’s neither damsel nor 24/7 Rambo.

That’s not to say her character wasn’t without flaws. Her inner monologues were a tad bit too repetitive and long. Her switches were flipped too easily. Her character profile of guilt vs revenge was a little too whitewashed - I get not wanting blood to infect the innocent survivors, but men of that particular nature don’t have innocent survivors… they leave behind victims, not loved ones.


I frown. Is this some weird female f*ckery? How the hell do I show her without words or the sex she claims this is about? Decker was right. I’m the dumbest asshole when it comes to women.

Possessive. Dirty. Antihero. Villain with a white shirt. He checks all the boxes. He comes off as authentic, believable. His inner thoughts are a little lacking in getting us from contractor to smitten kitten. There’s a lack of depth here that keeps him in the 3-star character category. I wanted more roots in his character tree, but the author just focused on the pretty blooms at the end of the branches. As a result, I never connected with him.


Side character with cool lines…

I f’ing love the snarky dark humor that occasionally pokes its head out …

Decker raises a brow as his gaze drops to Hunter’s stomach. “You two are motherf*cking crazy. I feel like I’ve just witnessed a satanic mating ritual.”

Problem is that he’s just that - a punchline. Like the MMC, his character didn’t really have a lot of depth.


Flow is good. I wasn’t bored. I wasn’t certain about all the ‘hows’ this would play out. Writing itself is clean… no big errors, jumps, or nonsense devices. I felt satisfied that the author presented her story points, brought them to a head, and neatly resolved them.

My complaint comes in the last 20%. I like the scene that brings the vengeance to a head, but not the aftermath of that scene. Torian spent the entire book painted one way to end like a cartoon version of his role, complete with “chuckling.” The sweep here was lazy, unbelievable, and completely against the grain of everything prior to the scene.

The end-cute was cute - a HFN situation that brings the reader back full circle.

Dark? Ehhhh… there is a guy that gets slapped around and drugged by the FMC before he dies. Another vengeance kill because he killed the FMC’s family. The MMC skirts the truth of his profession as a contractor. But, dark in the sense that most mafia books are dark? No.

* Edited to mention this wasn’t advertised as a dark book, but I mention it because some reviews reference how horribly dark and violent the FMC is. As a comparison to other mafia niches and vengeance niches, this is mild.

Same with the sex. Erotica… sure, it’s graphic enough. Rough? Uhm, not really on my scale, but then I’ve read some sh*t that makes 50 Shades look like a Saved By The Bell episode. It’s not exactly vanilla, but this is not the kinky f*ckery of a “dark” book.

This book is what I like to call Navy Blue, meaning there isn’t any clutching of pearls nor is it light and fluffy throughout.

With a different outcome for the climax (no pun intended) in the storyline and more MMC depth, this could’ve been a 4-5 star read. As is, 2.5-3 stars. Worth the read, but not something that will go in your favorite book bucket.


325 reviews281 followers

October 24, 2023

“I have a million things I need to do right now, and the only one I plan on doing is you”

This follows Steph and Hunter. Steph has a past that comes back and haunts her after a man named Hunter shows up one night at the bar she often attends after a rough day on the job. He's handsome and out of place here but I'm drawn to him I'm holding on to my secrets and I feel he is too.

This was a great book! Loved Steph as a strong FMC but still had a vulnerable side. I loved how you were guessing throughout the book about what's going to happen. Also, Hunter what an MMC his protective and just wanting her was swoony. I will say I'm excited for the next book Decker as he was great in this also.

The narration by Maxine Mitchell and Joe Arden is fantastic. Love both these narrators just enhanced the experience.

Just would like to mention it's a mafia series but in this book, you see a glimpse of it. Wish I had more background on it but some of the characters mentioned are in the coming books.

If you love:

🔹Suspense Romance
🔹Secret Identity
🔹Lies & Betrayal
🔹Great Spice & Characters

Genre/Type: Dark Mafia Romance 18+
APK: Kindle & Audiobook - Scribd
Pages: 272
Audiobook Length: 7hrs 59mins
Narrators: Joe Arden & Maxine Mitchell - Dual
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟.5
Spice: 🌶️🌶
Series or Stand Alone: Series Book One In The Hunting Her Series
Tropes or Themes: Dark, Mafia, Stalking, Revenge, Violence, Strong FMC, Secret Identity, Protective MMC, Chemistry, Mine, Alcohol, Drugged Situation, Secrets, Lies, Betrayal, Guns, Blood, Injury & Death. Mentions: R, Fire, Grief
Check Triggers ⚠️ 💫

All Round Romance Reader
TikTok | Instagram | Goodreads | StoryGraph | Scribd | Amazon | Audible Reviews💫


930 reviews35 followers

February 26, 2018

REVENGE can be SLOW and entomb a HEART! This was an amazing read! Summers weaved a story of tragedy when a family is murdered and the sole survivor lives only to avenge their deaths. Great attention given to the first pages of this book that sets the stage into the life of a women who has trusted herself with the eye for an eye philosophy. Good, not so Good, Bad and Ruthless characters take the stage in "Hunter". This is spiced with all facets that make a great novel as it is told by a skilled writer. "A copy of this book was provided by author via Netgalley with no requirements for a review. Comments here are my honest opinion" Could not put this one down.



1,053 reviews33 followers

March 6, 2018

Reviewed by Sharon Thérèse

Luck seems to be following me around of late since Summers is another author I’ve discovered. And the funny thing about Hunter was I had no intentions of reviewing it…life and all that gets in the way, doesn’t it? But I’ve found five minutes to jot down my thoughts so put the kettle on, and we'll have a chat about the book and its author with a cuppa! Summer’s writing affected me. Taking into consideration I’d made mental notes, not written ones, I do hope I don’t forget what I wanted to tell you without of course, letting on. Can’t have that, now can we?

“Who are you?”
“I’ve already told you.”
“You haven’t told me a damn thing.”
“Then maybe it’s none of your business.”

The plot is gritty, innovative and overflowing with suspense. Add a sassy kickass heroine and a drop-dead gorgeous hero into the mix and you’ve got a book that’s sheer dynamite! I know it sounds like a movie pitch but just wow; I felt as if I were a bystander watching action-packed scenes unravel and get this, from word go! Its narrative is fast paced, making the entire novel a piece of cake to read in one sitting. Yeap, once you start, I doubt you’ll be able to stop. And what impressed me more was how quickly and easily I connected to the protagonists.

“Well…” “It was nice meeting you.”
“I assure you, the pleasure was all mine.”

She has a job to do. It’s personal; it’s complicated and no-one will stop her because she is in control, she’s prepared and she’s good, I mean, very good! Obviously, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Summers conveys the smallest part of the plot to the reader early on, but what her canny narrative tack would do is keep me on tenterhooks throughout. Furthermore, I wouldn’t learn the female character’s real name (nope, I’m not going to spill the beans) until well after discovering her goal. A necessary goal I might add.

“Revenge is such a pretty picture.”

It wasn’t even a pick up line. A simple comment between a man and a woman and I flipping well loved it. Rubbing my hands together with glee, I couldn’t wait for more. The chemistry literally steamed up my Kindle…oops, maybe not lol, but honestly… nothing you think will happen, happens and vise versa! And then the banter between them! Please…perfect, just bloody perfect. Short staccato sentences, sarcasm at its best and the author’s descriptive writing and I was over the moon!

“Do I look like the type of woman to make mistakes?”
“No. But there’s always a first, and I have a special feeling I’m going to be a special kind of mistake.”

He has a job to do that’s been on his agenda for a long, long time. Ah, but even when I tried to read between the lines, I couldn’t quite suss him out. Where had he come from, what really was his game and where was he going were just a few questions I asked myself. Like his adversary, he needs information. Does she, or he for that matter, have what they’re looking for? Hmm…problem is neither of them can afford to mix business with pleasure since the last thing they need are distractions. Both have to keep on track, keep secrets hidden. So, this track I was led down had me wondering who would come out of this deadly cat and mouse game unscathed but while I was doing this, I still found time to swoon over him!

“I think I’ve discovered a new favorite game. Teasing you about this chick is fun as hell.”
“Teasing me will get you killed.”

Written in present tense from a his and hers point of view, I can honestly say I loved Summers’ way with words. The excellent sentence, paragraph and chapter structure, character development, the storyline’s flow and faultless editing has to be mentioned. To give you some examples of how awe-inspiring her writing is; I was sniffling halfway into the read, three quarters in and I was groaning, but when I got to the end, ooh my, I simply didn’t want to put the book down. Summers holding back the most juicy part I have to commend and totally worth waiting for, although there’s a scorching hot scenario which made its appearance sooner than expected. This is without a doubt ‘a sit on the edge of your seat’ thriller…and I couldn’t have wished for more. Oneclick, you won’t regret it! Bravo Summers!

“I won’t let you break.”
“You must be one tough guy to stop that from happening.”
“I can be whatever you need me to be.”

Rose Sharon Puls (a.k.a. #FairyProofmother)

1,867 reviews321 followers

February 22, 2018

"We're two tortured souls who've found each other by chance."

I've been a fan of this author for a long time. So, when I saw she was releasing a new book, it wasn't even necessary for me to read the synopsis to know that I wanted to read it. But I was still surprised once I dove in. Hunter is unlike any of her other books I've read. It's heavy on the secrets and suspense, keeping me on the edge as I waited for answers.

The author threw me right into the action from the get-go. My brain was scrambling to catch up as the female character went through with her meticulously planned information gathering process. And I have to admit, it stayed that way throughout. I never knew what was coming next and if she would accomplish what she set out to do. It was a dangerous plan, but she wasn't worried about her safety. She didn't have anything to lose, and she'd made promises that she was determined to keep.

When she first saw him he made an impression, with "eyes that sink into me, whispering promises beyond my wildest fantasies." But she didn't have time for what he had in mind. Revenge had been her focus for 10 long years and she didn't need the distraction of his rippling muscles. She saw herself in him, the way he answered questions with monosyllables and avoided sharing any information about himself. She was good with that. She didn't need to know his life story, she just needed to know what he was hiding below the waistband of his jeans. She didn't expect it to be a gun...

The chemistry between them was intense and I could totally understand the appeal of his kind of distraction. He was deliciously alpha and made it very clear exactly what he wanted. The fact that she was used to being in charge made it even more fun as I waited for her to give in and accept what he had to offer. She and I both knew that he would have no problem getting what he wanted from any woman. But he wanted it from her...

They both have a job to do and they can't afford to let their lust get in the way. "I never meant for this sh*t to happen between us. I never meant to want you." While they are both so strong and determined in some areas, keeping their hands off each other isn't one of them. And I must admit that I'm very grateful for this fact as I've really enjoyed being a virtual voyeur through the pages of my Kindle. The author's pen never runs out of passion much to my delight.

I can't give you any details. Trust me, you don't want to be deprived of the journey as each layer is removed bringing you answers, along with more questions. You just have to #BENDandADAPT. The anticipation of the final showdown is addictive and makes it difficult to stop reading once you start. I really enjoyed this story and look forward to whatever the author has for us next. The line forms here...

    5-stars badass beautifully-broken


625 reviews506 followers

August 4, 2023

I’m between a 3.5-4 for this one!

It gripped me right from the start but my interest definitely waned up & down a bit as the story progressed (could’ve been me but idk). And I had a lot of fun while listening to it!! The narrators were fantastic I MEAN JOE ARDEN?!? Come on that’s all it takes.

I got mindfck series vibes while reading & I really enjoyed that! I do love a good revenge plot. And we get some cat & mouse games which also is 😏🌶️

But the female main character started to annoy me towards the end and I literally wanted to reach through my phone and strangle her a bit😭😂 I like the male main character, I had to work my way up to liking him (ya know enemy vibes & all) Butttttt he did make me swoon a few times & also was super hot! CAN ANYONE SAY CREAM PIE!?

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Touch her and you die
Does let anyone get close to him but her
Mafia romance
Enemies to lovers
One night stand(ish)
Hitman x his target

Anne Mercier

Author107 books1,757 followers

April 15, 2020

This book! I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I started Hunter and then I couldn’t put it down. Eden Summers writes a passionate and suspenseful story layered with intrigue that had me turning page after page to see what would happen next. Reaching “the end” was bittersweet. I had to close the book and take a few minutes to process the thrilling journey Ms. Summers took me on. Hunter is a must read!

    favorites fighting-attraction gripping

isy | roth's wife

234 reviews482 followers

January 16, 2023

I’m 94 pages in and it’s so boringggg. I don’t feel tension between them, the smut didn’t do a thing for me (no tingles, no butterflies, nothing), and it’s moving so slow I’m just done.

For this book not even being 300 pages and I’m bored by 80 pages, idk it should have gotten moving by now.

Reading with 2 book lovers Sarah P -

3,371 reviews48 followers

July 28, 2021

This is a great start to this series of standalones


694 reviews177 followers

March 27, 2018

Loved this one. Total and utterly savage. From start to finish.

Decker needs to get his own book. He was too much a character to just be the friend.

    2018 5-star bad-guy-hero


106 reviews7 followers

September 27, 2023

@dnf at 50%

Not vibing with it anymore. Starting was so much fun then it dragged and I got bored. I'll check out the next one in future ig.


307 reviews1 follower

March 17, 2020

Hot and mysterious. One of those suspense stories that unfold on every chapter. I was engrossed to find out how this one would all turn out.



44 reviews5 followers

March 18, 2018

I liked this and I read it in a few hours so it kept my interest. The summary really pulled me in as I was looking for something different. It was different than what I have been reading but the characters relationship development wasn't believable to me. I would call it insta-lust into insta-love. They had sex within the first few chapters and then the H was devoted for the rest of the book. I think I expected it to be a little hotter too. It's a 3.5 for me.

V. Theia

Author40 books529 followers

February 21, 2020

If you want a gorgeous bag of suspenseful romance, this is it!

elara †

207 reviews81 followers

February 17, 2024

it started off good but then hunter became annoying so it kinda fell off

Hunter (Hunting Her, #1) (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Views: 6295

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.