L’Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Ungheria (1920-1939) (2024)

Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Péter Pázmány Catholic UniversityKatalin Nagy

Nagy Katalin et al., L’Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Ungheria (1920-1939) (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae I/23 = Collectanea Archivi Vaticani 128), Budapest-Cittá del Vaticano 2024.

Il volume in lingua italiana è collocabile tra gli inventari delle nunziature pubblicati negli archivi vaticani (CAV 42, 64, 82, 97, 112, 124, 125), è un’impresa di rilevanza internazionale. All’interno dei fondi delle nunziature apostoliche tra le due guerre mondiali, elabora i documenti della Nunziatura Apostolica di Budapest conservati negli archivi vaticani sotto forma di un inventario analitico, secondo il metodo di analoghe pubblicazioni archivistiche vaticane.L’esplorazione del materiale archivistico dal periodo tra il 1920 e il 1939 tocca i temi più importanti riguardanti i rapporti tra la Santa Sede e l’Ungheria, dal punto di vista della politica estera, della politica interna e della storia della Chiesa. Ad esempio, l’influenza del Trianon sull’organizzazione della Chiesa, il ruolo e l’importanza del cattolicesimo per la conservazione della cultura ungherese nei territori annessi, il diritto di patronato, il processo di formazione del cattolicesimo moderno e i suoi vari fenomeni. L’inventario analitico in questione fornisce preziose informazioni sulla storia delle singole diocesi, ordini e istituzioni religiose, nonché sul curriculum di ecclesiastici e laici.L’importanza dell’inventario analitico in italiano rende il compito dei ricercatori che arrivano all’Archivio Segreto Vaticano più facile, in quanto, in questo modo possono ottenere le loro informazioni immediatamente, in anticipo – sollevando il volume dallo scaffale libero della Sala Leonina e quindi cercare intenzionalmente il materiale. D’altra parte, la pubblicazione contribuisce a garantire che le relazioni tra la Santa Sede e l’Ungheria tra le due guerre mondiali e il ruolo della diplomazia papale nell’Europa centrale possano essere conosciuti ed elaborati con sufficiente sfumatura e accuratezza come mai prima d’ora, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. Nella preparazione dell’edizione congiunta del Fraknói Gruppo di Ricerca, dell’Istituto Gyula Moravcsik e dell’Archivio Apostolico Vaticano hanno collaborato mons. prefetto Sergio Pagano, Francesco Lippa, Marco Grilli, Luca Carboni.L’uso del volume è supportato da un accurato indice dei luoghi e dei nomi compilato da György Sági. Per conto dell'Istituto Moravcsik, Attila Tuhári ha contribuito alla correzione dei testi in latino.-------------Az olasznyelvű kötet, amely a vatikáni levéltár publikált nunciatúrai inventáriumai (CAV 42. 64. 82. 97. 112. 124. 125.) sorába illeszkedik, nemzetközi szinten is jelentős vállalkozás. A két világháború közötti vatikáni diplomáciai fondok közül a Budapesti Apostoli Nunciatúrának a vatikáni levéltárban őrzött iratanyagát dolgozza fel részletező, analitikus inventárium formájában, mindben követve a hasonló jellegű vatikáni levéltári kiadványok metódusát.Az archivisztikai jellegű anyagfeltárás 1920–1939 közötti időszakból a szentszéki–magyar kapcsolatokat érintő legfontosabb témaköröket érinti, kül- és belpolitikai, illetve egyháztörténeti szempontból. Például Trianon hatását az egyházszervezetre, a katolicizmus szerepét és jelentőségét a magyar kultúra megőrzésére az elcsatolt területeken, a főkegyúri jog, püspökkinevezések alakulását a király nélküli királyságban, a modernkori katolikus kialakulásának folyamatát és különféle jelenségeit. Az analitikus inventárium az egyes egyházmegyék, szerzetesrendek, intézmények történetéhez, egyházi és világi személyek curriculumához is értékes adalékokkal szolgál.Az immár nem áttekintő, hanem analitikus inventárium jelentőségét egyrészt az adja, hogy minden korábbinál jobban megkönnyíti az Archivio Segreto Vaticanóba érkező kutatók feladatát, hiszen így előre, illetve helyben – a Sala Leonina szabadpolcáról leemelve – azonnal tudnak tájékozódni a busták tartalmáról, és ezáltal célirányosan keresni az anyagban. Másrészt kiadásával hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy a két világháború közötti szentszéki–magyar kapcsolatok, a pápai diplomácia közép-európai korabeli szerepe kellő árnyaltsággal, és minden korábbinál nagyobb pontossággal legyen megismerhető és feldolgozható, mind hazai, még inkább pedig immár nemzetközi szinten is. A Fraknói Kutatócsoport, a Moravcsik Gyula Intézet és a Vatikáni Apostoli Levéltár közös kiadásának előkészítésében vatikáni részről Mons. Sergio Pagano püspök-prefektus, Francesco Lippa, valamint Marco Grilli és Luca Carboni vett részt.

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The most wide-spread among these local rites was the so-called Esztergom rite. The unification of the liturgy and the reinstatement of its rank had a special importance in the spiritual struggle against Protestantism which was still enjoying a majority in the country and which rejected the traditional forms of mass and its sacrificial traits. The leading personality of the Catholic renewal was cardinal Peter Pazmany, a Jesuit, who was the archbishop of Esztergom (1616-1637). While satisfying the decisions of the national and regional synods for the general introduction of the Roman rite, he was successful in persuading the congregation to hold the commemoration of Hungarian saints (which were venerated locally) within the context of Roman liturgy. The text of the medieval officium for these saints was revised by the experts of the congregation and was adjusted to be appropriate for the spirit of the now modernised Roman rite. The Roman Inquisition, the Sanctum Officium, and not the Rite Congregation treated the diocese of Zagrab which stuck to its own order of rituals and refused to accept the newly introduced Roman rite. Attempts directed at the deepening of the saint cult in Hungary were less successful. Though the congregation reviewed this matter several times, attempts (which began in 1625) to spread the celebration of the founder of the nation, Saint Stephen the King (1000-1038) across the entire Catholic world did not reach its goal for a long time, though it was supported by not only the Hungarian clergy, but the Habsburg rulers and the various orders of the country. Although in his breve of January 17th, 1632, Orban VHI (1623-1644) had worded his agreement concerning the inclusion of the celebration of the saintly king in the Roman calendar (at the same time he kept in mind politics after the earlier rejection), the Papal decision (similarly for political reasons) did not pass into practice due to the renewal of the Habsburg-Barberini dispute. This movement, which can be explained by political motivation, became successful only in 1686, since September 2nd, the day of the recapture of the capital city of Buda from the Turks, became the day for the celebration of King Stephen across the world. Only two cases of Hungarian canonisation were reviewed in Rome during this period, and these were only carried out in the 20li; century. In 1628-1629, the beatification of the canons of Esztergom, who suffered a martyr’s death by the hands of Transylvanian Protestant soldiers in 1619, and the two Jesuit friars, came to a sudden stop, since there was insufficient evidence presented to the congregation. The canonisation process of the Dominican nun, Margaret of the Arpad House, a Hungarian princess who died in 1270, had a more promising start. The main sponsor of the matter was Ferdinand HI (1637-1657). It was partially financed by the national treasury. With the active co-operation of the Roman Imperial diplomatic representative between 1639-1643, a member of the Dominican order who was put in charge, was sent to the Eternal City to manage the case. Statements of evidence from the medieval papal witnesses from 1276 were presented for the matter, and new witness statements were brought forth for the proof of the continuous saint cult. Though after several sessions of discussions, the congregation authorised the commencement of the canonisation procedure, the Hungarian ambassadorial group to Rome, which was continuously struggling with organisational and financial problems, thus came to face an impossible task. The failure of the canonisation was primarily due to the absence of the proper and persistent representation of Hungarian interests from the royal court and the absence of the assertion of these interests, which, therefore, created a problem in numerous other areas regarding the Papal and Hungarian relations during the period. Signs of some occasional cases involved with the ritus congrations can be found among the files that were systematically searched through by the present author. The decree of the congregation for the year 1626, served as the direction of use for the pallium of the archbishop of Kalocsa, who resided in the diocese of Esztergom due to the Turkish occupation. Not only did the higher priesthood, but also the middle church stratum request the opinion of the office occasionally. The monastic orders asked for these views for instance, in relation to problems involving liturgical clothing, emblems, the use of the Gregorian calendar, and the celebration of holidays. On the whole, it possible to say that the activities of the rite congregation in Hungary were more modest during this period than in the case of other national churches. At the same time, its role in the Catholic renewal in Hungary can be shown to have had effect on a wide scale. This is almost exclusive for this particular time when it comes to the fulfilment of the reforms, for the years of 1620-1640. It had somewhat variable results, due to the often over bureaucratic processes of the procedures, as well as the existing and continuous shortcomings of the Hungarian assertion of interests, which remained for the most time an unresolved problem.

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L’Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Ungheria (1920-1939) (2024)
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