myMemorialChart | Memorial Health System (2025)

myMemorialChart offers you personalized and secure online access to portions of your electronic medical record (EMR), where your provider maintains your health information. It enables you to securely use the internet to help manage and receive information about your health wherever and whenever you need.

If you have a technical question about using or logging onto the portal please call our patient help desk at(740) 568-4743. Please allow 24 – 72 hours for us to respond.



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Want to have access to your electronic medical records (EMR)?

How Do I Sign Up?

Patients who would like to use the portal will receive information at discharge, at their office visit, at registration, or by visiting our Department of Health Information Services to receive their medical record number and instructions. This will enable you to log in and create a username and password.

When Will Lab Results Be in myMemorialChart?

Your test results will be available online.

Please Note: If you do not see your expected results within a reasonable amount of time, call your provider’s office.

If Some of My Health Information on myMemorialChart is Not Correct, What Should I do?

Your myMemorialChart comes directly from your electronic record at your provider’s office and our hospitals. You can send a myMemorialChart message asking your provider to correct your medical record or call the office directly. You can also have your provider update the information at your next visit.

Can I View a Family Member’s Health Record in myMemorialChart?

Parents or legal guardians may request access to view their child’s record (from newborn to 18 years old). They will need to complete the appropriate paperwork by contacting our patient help desk at (740) 568-4743.

Can I Ask Questions Regarding a Family Member from My Account?

If you have health questions or information about another family member, please discuss these directly – in person, by phone, or with your provider so that pertinent information may also be updated in your family member’s health record if necessary. Alternately, if you have access to your child’s account as described above, you may ask questions on their behalf from within their account.

Can my Spouse and I, or my Family, Share One myMemorialChart Account?

No, due to the sensitive nature of medical information, each person must establish their own myMemorialChart account.

Where Can I Update my Email Address or Change my Password?

Log into myMemorialChart. From the menu, go to the “Preferences” section and follow directions.

Is myMemorialChart Secure?

We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure medical record numbers, personal usernames, and passwords. Each person controls their own password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password. myMemorialChart uses the latest encryption technology to automatically encrypt your session. Unlike conventional email, all myMemorialChart messaging is done while you are securely logged on to our website.

Please Note for Emergencies:

Do not use myMemorialChart for urgent medical matters. If you are experiencing a health-related emergency, call 911 immediately. If you need immediate attention from your provider or clinic, call the office/department directly.

API Portals

About API Portals:

We are connected with API (Application Programming Interface) Portals to provide you a way to store all your medical records from multiple health systems in one secure location, fully under your control

API portals allow you to use web enabled devices to gather, manage, or share your medical information from multiple health care portals in one convenient and secure location. If you are a member of multiple health portals, this portal is a way for you to pull all your health information from each portal into one secure place.

API portals will allow you to see all your records in one place to better understand your health status. This can also help you coordinate care among your healthcare providers.

How to join an API Portal:

First, you must be enrolled in the myMemorialChart portal. You can enroll by following the instructions provided above. Available API Portals are listed below to complete your API enrollment. If you wish to connect with an API Portal that is not listed here, please contact us at with your specific request. We will be in touch with you soon regarding your request.

Click here to start enrollment:


  • Select “Register New User” on the MyLinks homepage
  • Use the same email address that you registered with the patient help desk as your Username and create your password
  • Check your email account for the confirmation email sent to you from MyLinks and follow the instructions provided

Health Records on iPhone Available to Memorial Health System’s Patients

Marietta Memorial Health System offers Health Records on iPhone, which brings together hospitals, clinics and the existing Apple Health app to make it easy for patients to see their available medical data from multiple providers whenever they choose. Learn more about Health Records on iPhone here.

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myMemorialChart | Memorial Health System (2025)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.